For ages whenever people think about a vacation, they think about which hotel they are going to
stay at. This trend is starting to change now a day and people have started choosing between
houses for rent and
villas along the beach.
Villas are giant houses you can stay at, while enjoying what it feels like to live the rich life,
before getting back to your daily routine. They have everything a hotel would, depending on
your budget, location and the kind of villa you managed to bag. Sometimes a hotel room isn’t
enough, especially if you intend to entertain guests or want to have small parties. Getting a
place with a pool would be ideal, especially if you intended to vacation at a sunny place. Some
of these places may even have a hall, kitchen and if you are lucky a backyard. There is so much to do in Goa and you can never run out of entertainment, so gear up for an crazy adventure.
These are definitely more comfortable than a hotel room. You can basically do all you want and
won’t have to worry about bothering the room next door. If you intend cooking meals, villas
usually come with a kitchen and sometimes even a chef who can help you out. People who live
in houses otherwise, may not enjoy spending their holiday in a tiny hotel room. Not everyone
likes exploring new places, sometime you may have to travel for work and a small place may
not be enough, you may need room to walk around and so on.
Other than getting all the amenities that come with the place, if you are friends with the owner,
he or she can provide a lot of vital information. Better roads, cheap and expensive restaurants,
and a bunch of other things. Better than being in a hotel room is that you have the ability to hate
outside food when on a holiday and cook your own. You rarely get this opportunity in a hotel.
Furthermore, if the weather is bad, you have more to do in a massive villa than in a tiny hotel

Obviously, it isn’t all downsides for hotel owners, they do have a few things you will not get in a villa. You can begin with the front desk, if you ever have anything you would like to complain about or have delivered to your room, you have a number you can dial. This is very rare in a villa, where they can help you with assistance, but it is highly unlikely someone is going to rush to your aide in the middle of the night.
Flexibility in the days you choose your stay are a lot better in hotels, where they can easily
make arrangements. If you were in a villa though, it might be a little harder as people book
those places way in advance and you may have to cut your holiday short.
Overall though, you are bound to find villas a lot cheaper in the hinterlands or a little outside the
main cities, however hotels prices will stay approximately the same. At the end of the day, the
decision is up to you.